Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Irish Lace

The Wedding Dress

Whether you watched the Royal Wedding or not, The Wedding Dress has been the topic of conversion the past week. Here is a link to the official press release by the Royal College of Needlework about the making of the dress, which did include Carrickmacross Lace. With an estimated 2 billion (!!) watching the wedding, it hopefully will give a welcome boost to Lace making in Ireland. 

“The lace design and process was influenced by traditional Carrickmacross lace which originated in Ireland in the 1820s. Carrickmacross lace uses an embroidery technique called appliqué – the lace is worked by applying organdie fabric to a delicate net background and edging each motif with fine cord-like thread”

Since we are on a wedding/royalty theme, watch An Chaille Brídeoige: The Wedding Veil of the Princess of Connaught. Even if you are not interested in royalty, or weddings, it is a beautiful documentary about the history of Lace-making in Ireland. (Irish and Danish with subtitles)

“An Chaille Brídeoige: The Wedding Veil of the Princess of Connaught is to examine the history of a unique 103-year-old wedding veil, given as a present from Irish nobility to Princess Margaret of Connaught upon her wedding to Prince Gustav of Sweden.  The lace veil has been worn by 8 royal brides.  The documentary will look at the history of lacemaking in Ireland.  It has been filmed in Carrickmacross, Clones, Denmark and Sweden, and features lace makers from Carrickmacross and Clones.”

 Another show to catch on RTE Player is Nationwide. Featuring Craft in Kerry and about the 19minuites into the programme, The Traditional Lacemakers of Ireland  who attended the Lace Seminar, part of the Pan Celtic Festival

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