We are really excited to announce the launch of the innocent
Big Knit 2014. For the past few years innocent Big Knit supporters have knitted
thousands of little woolly hats for our smoothies, with money from every bottle
sold going towards supporting older people during the chilly winter months.
Since we started the Big Knit with innocent we have raised
over €100,000, so if you've ever picked up your needles and knitted a hat for
us or bought one of the smoothies that was wearing one, thank you very much.
We're doing it all again this year, and 30c from every
hatted innocent bottle sold will go straight to Age Action to help older people
stay well and stay warm this winter. So stretch out those fingers, get your
needles out and untangle that wool. It's time to get your knit (or crochet) on.
The deadline is December 12th 2014
and our target this
year is 65,000 hats!
How it works
Knitters from across the land send us their little knitted
hats between now and December. Innocent put them onto the bottles by hand and
send them off to store. For every hatted bottle sold, 30c is donated to Age
Over the years knitting groups, schools &loads of lovely
people all over Ireland have generously knitted for the innocent Big Knit. We'd
love people of all ages to get involved from novice knitters to champion
clickers, so please spread the word within your local community. If you don't
fancy knitting yourself, wool and needles can be donated to Age Action to help
others reach their target.
Your hats will help fund Age Action's work with older people
in Ireland. While many older people live healthy, happy, fulfilling lives, some
older people need a little support to continue to live with dignity.
The innocent Big Knit funding will help Age Action's winter
warmth public information campaign to enable older people remain well and warm
in their own homes. It will also go towards their home visitation and DIY teams
which assist thousands of older people each year.
For more information and knitting patterns click here:
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