Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Campagn for Wool, UK

I found this information on a great website called Woolipedia:

Prince Charles is behind a new Campaign for Wool, called The Wool Project. It "...aims to bring the fashion, carpet and textile industries together to increase demand for wool and raise its worth to upland farmers...."

"In January this year Prince Charles launched a new campaign to help promote British Wool. His 'Campaign For Wool' will be hosting an exciting series of events, exhibitions and product launches to celebrate the diversity of wool in fashion, furnishings and the home. All this will be taking place during National Knitting Week

It will be interesting to see if this has any follow-on affect here in Ireland. It is going to be a huge campaign, and will cover all aspects of the textile industry. Also, they have a National Knitting Week?...


Another titbit of juicy woolly news from across the waters.

Did you know 2 Irish Wool Merchants are causing havoc for The British Wool Marketing Board? The BWMB has a monopoly on the buying and selling of fleece in the UK. Each farmer trading in wool, by law, has to send their product to the Board.Not getting into the politics of it, as with all monopolies, have a downside.(One of which, is their decision not to endorse the use of animal welfare standards in the promotion of British Wool as it didn’t think it was fair to those farmers who do not meet the criteria.)

But two Irish Wool Merchants, Aiden Walsh of Texacloth, and Vincent Pearce of Sheep Wool Insulation, are exploiting a loophole in European Union regulations that allows farmers to bypass the board and sell their wool to companies outside the UK for export....

Read more about it on the Herald Scotland


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