Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Spotlight! Making Tomorrow

Our first Spotlight! feature is on Making Tomorrow, an upcoming 3 day festival of Textiles. Cork is definitely the place to be on the weekend of 7th-9th of March, with exhibitions, symposiums, talks and workshops taking place in a variety of venues throughout the city.

Making Tomorrow, the annual Cork Texiles Network conference, has gone from strength to strength, and is now a well respected event in the International textile circuit. A morning of talks from world renounced Textile Artists, is followed with a choice of workshops from Sketching and Screen-printing with Rachel Howard, Extreme Stitching with Cas Holmes, to Basketmaking with Katleen McCormick to Craft based Social Media with Orla Breslin. There are just a few places left at the Making Tomorrow conference.. Download full brochure PDF and booking form:

As well as this fantastic line-up of talks and workshops, CIT Crawford College of Art and Design will host "Make", a symposium and exhibition opening on Friday 7th March, looking at our relationship to objects, to making; our awareness through touch of our world of matter. A full list of speakers can be seen on their Facebook page. Booking essential.

On Friday, 7th March, at 6pm, the official opening of Things/Daiktai by Prof. Lesley Millar, MBE, International Curator, Author, Educator. This exhibition of contemporary textile artworks was made through an exchange project between 35 textiles students from CIT Crawford College of Art and Design and Kaunas Art Institute of Vilnius Academy of the Arts, Lithuania at CIT Wandesford Quay Gallery. This exhibition runs 8th March - 12th April, 2014. A number of talks and workshops will take place throughout the run of the exhibition.

After Saturdays conference, head over to the CIT Crawford College of Art & Design, where another opening takes place. Fabric Friends, work by Rachael Howard and CIT Crawford College Textiles students will officially open at 6pm.

A jam packed weekend of events, that places the Cork Textile Network, and indeed Cork as the cutting edge of Textile Art in Ireland. a weekend not to be missed!


There are just a few places left at the Making Tomorrow conference
Download full brochure PDF and booking form:
Friday 7 – Sunday 9 March 2014
Including Lectures, Seminars, Workshops & Exhibitions at Coláiste Stiofáin Naofa College of Further Education, CIT Crawford College of Art and Design, Cork City, Ireland

Making Tomorrow Workshops with 

Rachel Howard, Cas Holmes (FULL), Liz Spinnane, Lynn Kenny,
Kathleen McCormick, Orla Breslin, Arlene Shawcross,
Christina Jasmin Roser

Conference Options 
Saturday Only   CTN members €80  Non members  €90 
Sunday Only     CTN members €80   Non members  €90 
Full Weekend   CTN members €140   Non members  €160

For more information visit or on Facebook

Making Tomorrow on Facebook
Cork Textile Network on Facebook
Make Symposium on Facebook

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