Sunday, June 8, 2014


My deepest apologies for the tardiness of the updates of late! The break I took, has extended itself all the way into June. As well as being busy with work, I had a series of unfortunate events, such as my bag getting stolen, my car breaking down, days in bed with a serious headcold and sinus infection. Hopefully, my years worth of misfortune, all used up in one month. So, I was finding it difficult both mentally and physically to get the time to update the blog. If you have sent information and I missed the dates for posting, my sincere apologies. I hop it wont stop you from sending me information in the future.

BUT, lets not dwell on the past month (so glad its over!!), I am ready and raring to go with updates for the Woolly Way. I am working through the emails, sending apologies to anyone whose event I missed, and then I'll move onto the updates.

Please send any of your textile relevant information to woollywayATgmailDOTcom. Even if you yourself are not hosting an event, let us know of any events in your area. I regularily recieve emails from people looking for events and workshops to go to, and your help in scouting out information is invaluable!

I will leave you with this incredible, beautiful stop-motion video from BAFTA-nominated animator, writer, and director Ainslie Henderson. The clip was created as a music video for British rock band James and tells a story of life and death through characters depicted with yellow yarn. Sad, but wonderfully done.

Moving On from ainslie henderson on Vimeo.

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